Looking back on this year it's hard to believe how much has changed and also how quickly it has gone by. Like many others, 2015 has had so many ups but with the amount of highs comes the lows. Throughout the year of 2015 I have moved into my very first house in Cardiff with five of my closest friends, gained new and old friends, achieved a 2.1 in my first year of university, been able to watch the recovery of my dad after his stroke last year and lastly have been able to support one of my most closest and beautiful friends pregnancy and birth, of her gorgeous new baby boy.
I'm not going to lie, despite the amazing things that I have been able to go through and watch blossom, I have had a pretty tough year. After moving and beginning my new life in university in September 2014 I started to become more aware of what people thought of me and this ended up making me doubt myself. I know, I know you're all probably thinking that you should NEVER care what other people think, and I thought this myself until this sudden change and eye opener into the real world. I started to think that it would be impossible to achieve what I wish too, I would always think I wasn't good enough and eventually my self confidence just blew up right in front of me and I would give up on the things I'd love as a result and curl up into a ball and hide. It's taken me until the new year to realise that if you put your heart and soul into something, you can make it out to be whatever you want it to be. And because of this, I finally believe in myself and I've decided that I'm going to fill 2016 with what matters to me the most. Friendship, family, university, blogging, travelling and of course to ensure that I can grow to love myself for who I am and help improve on my areas of weaknesses.
Reminding myself of the down days and wasted days I had during 2015 has allowed me to become more motivated to make 2016 one of the best years yet and to not let one day go to waste. For this year I have come up with a list of goals I wish to achieve which will allow me to become a happier and more positive person.
A dream of mine would to be to call "Blogging" my full time job. Some people underestimate the hard work that is needed to blog and to begin with, I was definitely one of those people. Trying to stick to it since 2013 has been a struggle on it's own, let alone the technicality behind it. This is my passion and I have never been able to stick at it, but when things get too hard I used to feel like giving up was the only option as the negative side of me would tell me I would never get to where I want to be. But this year I have decided to prove myself wrong and I'm going to work my hardest to improve this blog, to hopefully one day making this blog my everything where I am able to help others, inspire others, give advise, gain lifetime friends and enjoy everyday calling this my very own business.
As well as working on my passion I also want to work on my self happiness. My goal for this year is to lose at least two stone and overall become a more healthier person. Happiness begins from the inside right? At the moment I really do lack self confidence and what better way to begin it than to work on being the best version of me I can be. Fingers crossed I can stick to healthy eating and daily exercise, it may be tough at first but I'm going to give it my all until I achieve my goal.
Lastly, I'm setting myself a goal to have a day off of university a week and using this day to explore more, do more of what I enjoy and find new skills and hobbies that make me happy. I also wish to adventure to one new country every year as another dream of mine is to travel and explore the world for it's beauty and amazing cultures. Hopefully my new approach to the new year will allow me to look back at what I have achieved and ensure I live it to the best it can be. I'm looking forward to bringing you all along on this journey with me, and getting to know so many of you and eventually be able to call eachother friends. So, here's to a new year!
Lots of love,